Our Mission

We are the home for Jewish art, culture, and ritual with all our diasporic languages, cultural traditions and texts.

We invest in education, artmaking, ritual, and joyful celebrations that bring us into new ways of relating to one another and allow us to be in dialogue with the past, present, and future. We work at the intersection of identity and progressive organizing. We center the voices and follow the leadership of those who have faced state violence and structural oppression, and who share our values and vision for collective liberation. Drawing from the Bundist principle of doykait (hereness), we will continue to fight for Jewish safety and thriving — inextricably linked with the safety and thriving of our neighbors — rooted and blooming here in our home: New York City.

In New York and with our allies across the country, JFREJ Community helps build the progressive movement fighting for transformational policies: building a caring feminist economy and a future with Medicare for All; an end to mass incarceration and racist policing; a universal homes guarantee; a Green New Deal; and fair wages and working conditions for all workers. We work to expand our democracy, redistribute wealth, and beat back the rising tide of authoritarianism and white nationalism.

JFREJ Community grows the New York Jewish Left by creating a welcoming, vibrant home for our city’s multiracial, multi-ethnic, intergenerational, progressive Jewish community.