Fiscal Sponsorship

The following entities are fiscally sponsored projects of JFREJ Community.

  • Black Jewish Liberation Collective

    Black Jewish Liberation Collective (BJLC) is a collective of Black Jews based in the United States who amplify their voices and uplift cultural and political organizing. They create space for community building and strategizing to support Black people who are working towards liberation and dismantling white supremacist patriarchy, racialized capitalism, and antisemitic violence.

  • Community Safety Campaign

    The Community Safety Campaign (CSC) is a group of a Jewish organizers, political educators, strategists, and healers represent voices on community safety and abolitionist organizing within the Jewish community. They are working to strengthen buy-in from progressive Jewish communities to divest from policing and surveillance by developing safety strategies and infrastructure that don’t rely on police.

  • Jewish Persistence Pledge

    Jewish Persistence Pledge is an organizing tool to solidify sustained multiracial Jewish commitment to BLM, by organizing non-Black Jews to stay in the movement even when charges of antisemitism arise. In poetic and hopeful language, it creates a structure for 1:1 organizing conversations between non-Black Jews about committing for the long haul to Black liberation and to a model of empowered communal response to antisemitism.

  • Judaism On Our Own Terms

    Judaism On Our Own Terms (JOOOT) is a cross-national organiztion and movement that aims to create and build a network of student-governed and liberation-aligned Jewish communities on college campses. JOOOT works to build Jewish communal life that is free from the dictates of legacy Jewish institutions that constrain us and distort Judaism.

  • Egalitarian Mizrahi Sephardi Community

    Egalitarian Mizrahi Sephardi Community is building a space where folks who are often marginalized from traditional Sephardi spaces can be their full selves: centering women and queer and trans leaders, liberatory politics, and our ancestors' Sephardi religious traditions. To date, their spiritual and cultural programming has included High Holiday services and liturgy workshps, Mimouna celebrations, and ancestral and cultural learning.

  • The People's Plan

    The People’s Plan (TPP) is a collective vision for a City that provides dignity, care and justice for all New Yorkers – and an engine that fights for that vision. The coalition uses grassroots advocacy as our primary strategy to build political power for low-income New Yorkers of color. Since 2022, their wor has focused on combating Mayor Adams’ gutting of the City’s social safety net and fighting for #CareNotCuts.

  • Tzedek Lab

    Tzedek Lab is a national multiracial network of political education trainers, organizers, spiritual leaders, and cultural workers, Jews and allies, established to build collective competency to better politicize, transform, and inspire the Jewish community into collective action against racism, antisemitism, and white supremacy.

  • Shoresh

    Shoresh is a movement of anti-Zionist Israelis in the US — who are women, queer, army objectors, military retirees, Ashkenzi, Mizrahi, Russian, Ethiopian, Druze and more — and who elieve that there is no Zionist framework that can truly affirm the humanity, safety and rights of Palestinians. As anti-Zionist Israelis in the US, they fight for anti-fascist political transformation within our own society in Israel and exert external pressure on Israel from the US, which funds and upholds Israeli apartheid and oppression.

  • Jewish Bridge Project

    Jewish Bridge Project is collective of multiracial, multi-ethnic, cross-denominational, cross-class Jewish and non-Jewish organizers, educators, writers, strategists, academics, researchers, healers, organizational consultants, and culture weavers. They offer consultancy, strategy, learning, and support to help create more expansive, inclusive and intersectional understandings of justice.

  • Black New York/Bright New York

    Black NY/Bright NY’s purpose is to empower Black New Yorkers to have a voice in the future of the city they call home and fight for the transformative policies that will begin to repair centuries of racialized inequality. BBNY is a new citywide coalition for Black-led organizations and Black movement leaders within multiracial organizations to meet, strategize, advocate, and build Black power in service of left, progressive policy-making. BBNY’s table is open to all Black-led social justice movement organizations, as well as individual Black organizers and leaders, as long as they are in broad alignment with the table’s goals and values.