
New York Caring Majority

JFREJ Community is a driving force behind the NY Caring Majority coalition which organizes older adults, disabled people, family caregivers, and home care workers to build a more caring and feminist economy — one with universal healthcare, long-term care, and dignity for caregivers. JFREJ Community is proud of over 20 years of successful organizing, leadership development, and education that resulted in the nation’s first Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights. 

In 2022, the NY Caring Majority organized thousands of older adults, disabled people, home care workers, family caregivers, and supporters to take action across New York and demand fair pay for home care workers. As a result, NY Governor Hochul raised wages for home care, representing the single largest investment in homecare wages in the country. 

Deep Canvassing

JFREJ Community has initiated the project of deep canvassing thousands of New Yorkers on the issue of community safety. Deep canvassing is a method of persuasion that incorporates active listening, asking questions, and storytelling to understand why people hold the beliefs they do, with the ultimate goal of shifting public opinion one person at a time.

Freedom To Thrive

JFREJ Community’s Freedom to Thrive work focuses on ensuring that New York City invests in the housing, healthcare, and social supports New Yorkers desperately need to thrive, instead of allowing police unions, the department of corrections, and their allies to set the agenda. 

JFREJ Community organizes with its allies to push back against cruel and disgraceful cuts to critical social services, public institutions, and education, all while maintaining the NYPD’s bloated budget. A key part of this is increasing the participation of everyday people in shaping the policies that impact our city.